Maijishan Grottoes

                               Maijishan Grottoes in China

The Maijishan Grottoes  a series of 194 caves cut in the side of the hill of Majishan in Tianshui, Gansu Province, northwest China. This example of rock cut architecture contains over 7,200 Buddhist sculptures and over 1,000 square meters of murals. Construction began in the Later Qin era (384-417 CE).
Maijishan Mountain is placed on the first list of state key scenic spots by its peculiar grottoes, exquisite clay sculptures luxuriant vegetation, all kinds geologies and landforms, mountain peaks. Its main area is 142km2 including Maijishan Grottoes, the Immortal Cliff, the Stone Gate, Quxi Stream and Jieting Hot Spring. Maijishan Grottoes was first built in Later Qin (384-417.D) constructed successively during the 12 dynasties which are West Qin, Northern Wei, West Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasty, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing. Although many earthquakes and conflagration, it still remains 194 caves, 7200 sculpture, 1000 square M fresco which are excatived on the cliff about 30-80m high form the ground, more than 70 percent caves were excavated in the North dynasty. When clay sculpture were popular, well-shaped and excellent art, They reach the climax of sculpture works in early period. Qinling chains in scenic area are the main boundary between North and South nature geography. There are two plant areas, China-Japan, China-Himalayas areas. They include much kind of plants of North China, Central China, and Himalayas.
Menxinduo Higher plant 223 genera, 873 categories, 2738 species, of which bryophyte plant has 53 genera, 98 categories, 138 species, pteridophyte 21 genera, 43 categories, 92 species, angiosperm 141 genera, 712 categories, 2456 species, gymnosperm 8 genera, 20 categories, 48 species. Preserving Xyophyta 20 species including metase quoia, kinkgo, white bark pine etc. the rare key protected plant listed by state has 31 species, (1 level 1 species, 2 level 7 species, 3 level 23 species), forestation coverage reaches 76% wild animal, birds 12 classes, 34 genera, 95 species, beast 6 classes, 18 genera, 29 species, the rare animals protected by state, 6 classes.7 genera, 18 species.
The scenic spots lies in the joint of QiLian-North Qinlin chains. It forms very complicated geologies and landforms due to movement in Yinzi, Yanshan, and Himalayas. Hot Spring and Quxi Stream is metamorphic rock. Maiji Mountain, the lmmortal clitt, is purple red sandstone rock, while the Stone Gate granite. They have different geology and landform in small area, the abundant forest and flower, the stream and waterfall compose of over 180 scenic spots. They show landscape abundance and variety. The reason of protuberant globular valve: The grottoes kept its fine sculpture of 12 feudal dynasties. It possesses large-scale sculpture museum with 1600 years. It provides precious material studding sculpture, painting, arts and crafts, architecture and religion such as Buddhism. The constructed cave in North Wei (408-534A.D) play an important role for its long history in China even in the world, well preserved well shaped, lively figure. There are biggest palace--shaped building in northern dynasties of Chinese grottoes in these 21 grottoes.
Bulding in wall--painting, skill methods and completed methods are both the best important and valuable works. This abundant building material in northern dynasties is the most precious and important illustration in studying grottoes' nationalism, ancient construction, and freseo. There are about 2738 higher vegetation in the scenic spot, of which 60 genus the 3rd Age xylophta 20 genera, the rare vegetation 31 and 18 genera rare animal protected by State. There is such abundant biology in warm temperature Zone of 34 N latitude; its varieties have typical significance. Maijishan Plant is accepted as member by IUCN. Spectacular Maiji peak, exquisite clay carving temple building under cliff, peculiar landform, about plant clear stream and waterfall combine naturally made up a harmonious landscape of mankind and nature.

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